Android Users: Malware Issue
There’s a new type of malware that can infect your computer when you connect your smartphone or tablet to your computer and then install a backdoor on your computer.
The suspected malware are Clean and DroidCleaner found in Google Play android market. These two are actually the same application. They are just released under two different names.
These applications are apparently disguised as a tool to clean memory for the Android operating system, but after installing and running it, it displays a list of all running processes and then restarts the device. Later, in the background, the app downloads three files:
- autorun.inf,
- folder.ico,
- and svchosts.exe onto your phone.
Currently, Google’s malware detection only targets about 15% of attacks. Android 4.2 allows a user to access malware protection under ‘Quick settings’. To access, ‘Quick settings’ can be accessed by swiping down from the top of the screen with two fingers, rather than the one-finger swipe used to access notifications. You can also use the settings button that located at the top of the notification drop-down menu. You can access a malware scanner for the platform that screens “sideloaded” apps — meaning software not downloaded from Google Play — for any mischievous code. As noted above, though, both of these apps mentioned above are found on the Google Play market. So Buyer Beware!
Android Security Update Notice for Wireless Carriers
Android users may have noticed that they are not getting their regular security update notifications as they should leaving them and those they connect with open to exploit and risk. The following explains why:
Activist Chris Soghoian, who has targeted zero-day brokers in the past with his work, has focused his attention on wireless carriers and their reluctance to provide regular device updates for Android mobile devices.
Make sure you check this link frequently, about once every 2 days. Bottom line: Google Android does not have the protection against malware that it should. Keeping up to date with security warnings is your best defense.